
Gosh, it HAS been a lonnnnng time....

Life has gotten in the way. Can't explain it more than that. Plus, life finds interesting ways to sap what time that is *free* to *not free*   =)

....plus, forgetting all about this didn't help...

Funny thing is, I remember most of this, but it was fun to re-read all this stuff. I just plain forgot about it ALL.

Now, to figure out if I want to still do this, or, to do *what*.

Seems the blogging thing has passed the *fad* stage with many, with many of the heavy hitters well cemented in, and the craze has gone the way of the pet rock, Pokemon, and a whole host of other saps.

Bear with me - probably this will meld to a diary. Maybe. Maybe more.

But, life has moved on - I work, the family is grown, and, have gotten older too. Even mellowed, realizing the windmill is far stronger than my lance and charger can handle. All I really want is my castle, my Queen beside me, and to let the rat-race pass me by.

Onward and so and so and....