
Still here....

2 whole years....


I hear Pluto is nice this time of year...


Gosh, it HAS been a lonnnnng time....

Life has gotten in the way. Can't explain it more than that. Plus, life finds interesting ways to sap what time that is *free* to *not free*   =)

....plus, forgetting all about this didn't help...

Funny thing is, I remember most of this, but it was fun to re-read all this stuff. I just plain forgot about it ALL.

Now, to figure out if I want to still do this, or, to do *what*.

Seems the blogging thing has passed the *fad* stage with many, with many of the heavy hitters well cemented in, and the craze has gone the way of the pet rock, Pokemon, and a whole host of other saps.

Bear with me - probably this will meld to a diary. Maybe. Maybe more.

But, life has moved on - I work, the family is grown, and, have gotten older too. Even mellowed, realizing the windmill is far stronger than my lance and charger can handle. All I really want is my castle, my Queen beside me, and to let the rat-race pass me by.

Onward and so and so and....


SotHoR Pelosi - Don't go there...

There are times when you really need to pummel your head against something non-moving, like, a nearby mountain...

Rep. Pelosi (D-clueless in Cali) recently made a highly puiblicized trip to Damascus Syria, meeting with Baby Assad. The big news item was her conveying a message from Israel wishing to resume peace talks.

Bad thing is, there was no message given to her. The Isreali PM quickly released a message stating (paraphrased) "She don't speak for us."

The busy-body from the Bay has ruffled more feathers with this trip than her antics in the halls of Congress. From the photo-ops in the Mosques looking at John the Baptists head, wearing a Gucci Hibjab (really deversifying their sales line, huh - what's next a Versace Burrka?), and the pics with Assad. Ample bloggers, both for/against the trip, can be found.

Quite frankly, Speaker Pelosi should stick to her appointed job, and, not meddle in diplomacy. Seeing how the State Dept. is the agency for that job (and, can screw it up well enough without assistnace), muddying those waters any further only discolors the water.

I guess its the Leftists mindset that, we get elected to power, get the big chairs, and everything will bow to our wills. Only problem is the opposition. Did she really think that Baby Assad would take her serious? I mean, they hold about 1/2 of the Syrian population in subujation, whom, oddly, also wear burrkas and hibjabs. Does she think that an elected American Busy-body would garner anything different?

Assad was probally laughing his butt off the moment her motorcade left his bunker complex, along with finalizing plans for resupplying the Hezzies, now that a source for interferance and misdirection has landed happily in his lap.

I seem to remember a certain ammendment from the early 1800's that prohibited the different branches of government from encroaching upon their others. Seems like a nice time to clear off the dust and wave it about, just to remind the busy-bodies (as The Rock would say) "Know your role".

Doesn't she have carpet lint to pick up somewhere???


Embrasing *something other than * Victory

Just when you think DC can't get any weirder...

With the passing of the Defense supplemental bill in both houses of Congress, the true face of the Democratic Party has come within view. With only 218 votes (bare minimum needed for bill to pass), Speaker Pelosi got her ducks in order to send a message both to the nation, and, the troops - we *say* we support you, but we *mean* something different.

The Senate passed their own version, 50-48 for, and likewise thumbed their nose. Thanks, Senator Hagel.

But, the shocking thing most of all is all the pundants that really believed the Democrats, after taking power, would never put such a bill before both august houses of Congress. Well, who's sorry now?

It was a foregone conclusion, seeing all the heavyweights backing the Mules. From Soros on down, the far-left element of the party has shown their strangle hold on the whole party. Your father's and grandfathers Democratic Party is not the party of today. Gone is the mantle of ‘for the little guy', but more to 'for the little guy who likes rainbows, walking in the rain, and sitting under the moonlight in his Prius'. A shame, really, because the so-called 'kook' element does bar the doors to the buffet table, maybe even the front gate to the mansion.

Some, such as the talking heads (Bennett, Rush, Hannity) say this is the beginning of the end of the Party. I don't know, but their actions have not only secured the forced return of the troops from the ME war zones, but, have emboldened our foes. Al-Jizzera even has used the quotes from Sen. Reid (which, out to make him fume, but probably won't), and has the leftie bloggers popping the caps on their bottles of frappicino's and raising their biscotti in high toast for their victory.

To his credit, the PotUS did fire back, saying whatever bill arrives on his desk, it was DOA and would get his bad ink post-haste. He did go on to inquire why a bill of $98BIL would have an additional $24Bil (some reports have it as high as 26) tacked on for such non-military considerations as payments for sugar cane, drought relief, Low income heating relief, and a Congressional 'wages' account the PotUS never heard of. Me either...

More than likely, the bill(s) will pass, forcing the PotUS' hand, but the country (along with their soldiers in harms way) will suffer. Everybody wants the boys/girls to come home, but with a tick-mark in the win column, not under a dark cloud. Vietnam proved that a showy retreat will ultimately end in a disaster.

It seems the 'lets bring down the US a peg' crowd, the Anti-war limp-wrists, and the targets of our bullets have managed to defeat the weakest link of the US chain - its legislative branch. God help us all...


We're gonna die....

Sorry folks, but I just found out some really startling news...

We're gonna die....

No, seriously, we're headed for ruin, impending doom, and a catrostophie of epic proportions.

Seems, the Andromedia Galaxy is on a collision course with ours. I don't know about you, but the thought of such a massive collision of two rather large spatial bodies (Big A is estimated to have a size of 1.23x10^12 M , including dark matter) bumping into each other is far worse than the Human effects on Global Warming meme.

to be honest, its to happen in about 3 billion years....

So, you all have been warned.... and, don't forget about banning dihydromonoxide -that stuff can kill ya...

*edit* just checking...


The Mouse Roared - Needs to do it More

Last nite about the dinner hour EST, the PotUS went before the cameras to issue his statements on the Shumer/Lahey led 'if we say there's smoke, you gotta provide the fire' meme. All boiled down, it was in essence saying 1) I don't mind if you talk to them, but you ain't gonna witch-hunt or catch them in the DNC purgery routine b) If you do, its 44-40 and a fight, and c) As PotUS, I do have a right to private counsel, do have some powers, and to STFU.

There are times when one does have to swallow ones pride, remain mum, and just go with it. It usually will blow over. And, there are times when a good swift kick to the nads is called for. Frankly, its long overdue. The Cabal that masquerades as the Democratic (in name only) elected body (well, there are *some* good ones in the ranks) has had an urgent need to be both put in their place, and, told to shut up. I'm all in favor for a squeaky wheel getting the grease it needs, but this is ridiculous.

From Pelosi's ramblings about timetables, her channeling the 'will of the American People', and just about everything else she can stumble/mumble about to make her agenda come true. Add to that to Murtha's un-vet like steerage, Dick Durban's fascists fantasies, and the whole host of counter-negative held views by many others.

Bush has had a rocky Presidency. It didn't start off well (I really don't look forward to a Supreme Court visit, even as a tourist), 9/11 didn't help, and the chronic hand-wringing/bemoaning/braying/ negativity only adds weapons to the "Hate America(tm)" crowd arsenal. For all the lip service for 'unity', the 'dis-unity' displayed only enriches our foes, like Joe Wilson's serving of yellow cake (is it Niger or Nigeria?)

Frankly, I'd really wish the PotUS would wind up and put a size 10 (wide, no doubt) penny-loafer in Shumer's jewels. Along with a
Subpoenas to answer for his obtaining (via proxy from a paid staffer) illegal financial records. I think there's more substance there than the circle-jerk he and Lahey et al are propagating upon the body politic.

Politics is a full contact sport. And, the third tier of Government has been lax/lazy to participate. With so much need to counter the leftists and their enabling allies, I really think a former Occupant (namely the 26th) had the right idea. Only, my stick would be a sledgehammer. At the very least, the 40th occupant used satire and logical humor to humble and brow-beat them back.

Time to lace up the Thom McCann's, George. Don't forget the steel toes....



When a spy isn't a spy

Mrs WIlson goes to Capital Hill

Can I get into trouble for saying that......? :-)

Valorie the not-so-secret spy had her time before the Pannel today, along with the microphone and camera arrays. From what I can tell, her testimony centered on the end-results of the 'outing' of her and the impact of the act.


If Mrs. Wilson really was concerned with this outtage, why did she attend NYC cocktail parties as her own hubby refered to her as 'my wife, the spy'. Add to that, having a photo-spread in Vanity Fair, showing the both of them, giving details of Joe Wilson, diplomat at large, and, his DC-connected wife during a lull of their hectic life style.

Seems to this humble blogger that one who does not want any light shined upon then would not put themselves into situations where the light does rest upon them. I really can't see William Casey or Brent Scrowcoft in the serving line at a toidy shindig for the well-to-do element of high-society. Seems to me, spys/secret agents (James Bond excluded) would look for other things to occupy their time, like escape routs and alternate get-away avenues.

Kinda hard to make a daring escape when you got a Johnny Walker Black (on ice) in one hand and a Hors'dovers plate in the other...

I honestly think that Val (and Joe) overplayed their hand, but are getting way past their alloted 15 minutes of face time. Scooter Libby may not get a reprieve, but, there seems to be more than enough doubt and eye-raising facts to cast a critical eye. Either that, or Rowe's flying monkeys will spirit him off as he leaves the courthouse, a la Sirius Black in the Harry Potter books.

Now, to get Carville to shut the hell up...


I'm baaaaaaaack....

Sorry for the lack of work, but, as its been blogged before, time has not been my friend.

More to follow soon. With all that is happening, it REALLY is aching for some rebuff...



Less time - more demands upon it...

Geez, look at the time (v2)

1- Still looking on the job market. There are plenty of opertunities, but a whole lot of specialization in my field. Weeding thru them is a pain, but, the clock is quickly ebbing... and BigBlue ain't waffling...

2- College is going okay. By my count, 4 major (Web and C++ programming, Biz ethics, and Capstone finale) and a seminar class (Alternate medicine) left. Then, done. Now, to pay for the college bill...

3- Boy is begining to walk, has 2 teeths, and is on a Da-da-da-da kick. Being fed, being bathed, being changed, being held, being..... and, the frau is loving it, when she's home. Fall hit, Girl Scouts and PTA functions came, and our weekly free time goth shoveled to the weekends. Add college work, and other demands, and spare time is only 9 letters.

4- Talked/chatted (online) to an old buddy. Great to see him about, but, gosh, its been a while. His youngest is not so young anymore. I remember when the boy was a Blues Clues fan - now, he's into football...

5- Speaking of football, WTF is happening to Pittsburgh? Its like they lost their winning spirit on the field in Detroit, the motorcycle crash site, or in Ben's appendix... And, what's it gonna take to make the despised Baltimor(on) Crows loose???

6- More to follow, as time becomes 'free'....



Communicate, move, and shoot only works in the Army

Just when you think its safe to get back to work...

When you have a boss that is pretty much stealth (except for IM and emails), and, he shows up out of the blue, you can pretty much guess he's not here to check your shoe size.

BB (his name is changed to protect his identity, not that anyone would care) *showed up* for our weekly team meeting. Needless to say, the pucker-factor rose above the redline for all that attended. The only time he apparatus is for bad news. Twice before, he showed up for 1) announcing we were not getting raises (due to making too much) and 2) to announce that Big Blu would not pick up the tab on College.

Now, I've been around the block, and, seen my share of stick time, foxhole time, and have a pretty good relationship with my little voice. I've learned to heed its sirens song, and, the gentle musings of its 'its alright, its alright'. For some reason, I kept hearing Led Zepplin's Coda play in my head.

Then, the hammer dropped.... Position is being dropped - need to look for another job. Not good.

Now, I'm not the SME (subject matter expert) on leadership, management, and, people leading skills, but, I've done it. And, probally could have handled the situation far better than this sloth. The meeting ended, BB praised the team, then asked me to remain. He entered his backpack (???) produced several Manila folders, and took out a group of white papers.

"This is to inform you that your current position is identified for removal, and that you have been placed in 'resource action' mode". I prefer common English ('laid off', 'canned', 'fired') to the PC/HR/*soft fall* lingo.

"Its not about you," BB chimed, "but a business decision." Great - I'm old hardware... "Start looking," BB continues, "both inside and outside the company. The responsibility rests with you - you need to find your next job."

Now, I'm not sure, but it seems, one of his *headcount* is prepping to be removed, and, it would be a good idea to find him a new home? I guess when you're a primary color (and on the DJIA), *headcounts* are a dime a dozen.

Well, to sumise, I am looking, been looking, and look forward to the day when PC (primary color) both realizes that people do count, and meet their fate. I'm not the Union or Organized Labor kind of guy (why pay someone to represent me - its bad enough I have a do nothing Representitive and Senator), but IBM's model of biz is old, clunky, and falling out of favor. In the late 80's, IBM was a nats hair away from Bankruptcy. Its not improved much since.

It looks quite nice from the outside, but, inside, its heavily over managed, promotes micromanagement, and the classic bureaucratic model. Sloth fits.

Well, it made a nice few lines on a resume (speaking of that, I *guess* I should have been warned in May when no raises were coming, except a link on 'how to write an effective resume' was given instead - "Your resume," BB gleamed, "is an important tool, like a screwdriver").

It sure looks nice on the inside, but believe me, its all a house of cards on the inside... Anybody got a can of air?


1 - Boy is growing nicely. Football training is progressing "Alright, son, anything from the other team that carries the ball needs killed". Crawling practice is coming along nicely.

2 - daughter is in 3rd grade. God help us all

3 - Skoole is progressing nice - 12 credits remain - two web classes, a C++ class, and a Biz class. Then, the final 'capstone' and I'm thru...

4 - Wife is well, doing well, and realizing we were never parents with only one kid. I think we're having wine tonight...

5 - Go Steelers!



Good Lard.... look at the time....

Geez, what was I thinkin'????

Been a lot happening around these parts. What in all of family, work, school, community, etc, some things do fall thru the cracks...

Lets see.... School.... Doing okay - roughly 6 classes left... GPA 3.72... Currently in UNIX class.... Survived DBA and SQL classes (like SQL, and, the DBA stuff is pretty neat - may give it a whirrl).

Family... Boy is growing quite nicely. Have a map ready for his room, with circles around Pittsburgh and Canton OH, along with X's thru Cleveland, Cincy, and Baltibore.... Boy has got to be introduced to his future in the proper manner, with proper planning... Daughter is growing up nicely. Plan (with time permitting) to into her into the martial spirit. Sure, she can look pretty, play nice, and look stunning in girl clothing, but nothing shows ones mantle like taking out a bully with a well placed kick or Karate chop... I and the wife are basking in the break of responsibility, due to our tax deductions staying with the inlaws. But, it grew old rather quickly on the return trip along the PA turnpike...Somewhere along mile marker 40-50....

Work... Beginning to dislike the color Blue. 'Nuff said.... Think the degree (and, a little help from friends/network) will allow me the chance to look for greener pastures.

Community...Hot weather, dumb neighbors, and grass that seems to grow 8" overnight. Brighspot is school is beginning, and the local urchants will locate to other terror spots. Putting a minefield in the front yard is looking better and better and better....

Hope to blog more soon. Keep forgetting I STILL have this....and, need to figure out how the heck to post pics...



Life in the fast lane....


Been busy with life, liberty, new son, college, and whatnot...

Baby is growing. Plan to post a pic as soon as I figure out how.

College is going okay. Survived both DBA, DBMS, SQL, and one Prof who needs to read his silly-bus. I mean, if you want a 10-page paper about describing how SQL and DBA usage, don't wait until the last day of class to remind your students. But, I made it thru... Good thing is, about 20 more to go!!!

Watching the Senate vote on how much citizenship really is worth, was refreshing. Almost as fullfilling as opening my neighborhood to Section 8 housing and a Sex-crime halfway house...

And, lasty, for all that read - please keep the guys/gals in harms way in your thoughts. Drop a note, send some cookies, or even say some kind words when you see one in passing (I'd say 'up close and personal, but not all F2F (face 2 face) meetings are 'civil' - like, in downtown Mosul or Berkley)

Peace and still on diaper duty...