Embrasing *something other than * Victory
Just when you think DC can't get any weirder...
With the passing of the Defense supplemental bill in both houses of Congress, the true face of the Democratic Party has come within view. With only 218 votes (bare minimum needed for bill to pass), Speaker Pelosi got her ducks in order to send a message both to the nation, and, the troops - we *say* we support you, but we *mean* something different.
The Senate passed their own version, 50-48 for, and likewise thumbed their nose. Thanks, Senator Hagel.
But, the shocking thing most of all is all the pundants that really believed the Democrats, after taking power, would never put such a bill before both august houses of Congress. Well, who's sorry now?
It was a foregone conclusion, seeing all the heavyweights backing the Mules. From Soros on down, the far-left element of the party has shown their strangle hold on the whole party. Your father's and grandfathers Democratic Party is not the party of today. Gone is the mantle of ‘for the little guy', but more to 'for the little guy who likes rainbows, walking in the rain, and sitting under the moonlight in his Prius'. A shame, really, because the so-called 'kook' element does bar the doors to the buffet table, maybe even the front gate to the mansion.
Some, such as the talking heads (Bennett, Rush, Hannity) say this is the beginning of the end of the Party. I don't know, but their actions have not only secured the forced return of the troops from the ME war zones, but, have emboldened our foes. Al-Jizzera even has used the quotes from Sen. Reid (which, out to make him fume, but probably won't), and has the leftie bloggers popping the caps on their bottles of frappicino's and raising their biscotti in high toast for their victory.
To his credit, the PotUS did fire back, saying whatever bill arrives on his desk, it was DOA and would get his bad ink post-haste. He did go on to inquire why a bill of $98BIL would have an additional $24Bil (some reports have it as high as 26) tacked on for such non-military considerations as payments for sugar cane, drought relief, Low income heating relief, and a Congressional 'wages' account the PotUS never heard of. Me either...
More than likely, the bill(s) will pass, forcing the PotUS' hand, but the country (along with their soldiers in harms way) will suffer. Everybody wants the boys/girls to come home, but with a tick-mark in the win column, not under a dark cloud.
It seems the 'lets bring down the
We're gonna die....
We're gonna die....
No, seriously, we're headed for ruin, impending doom, and a catrostophie of epic proportions.
Seems, the Andromedia Galaxy is on a collision course with ours. I don't know about you, but the thought of such a massive collision of two rather large spatial bodies (Big A is estimated to have a size of 1.23x10^12 M
to be honest, its to happen in about 3 billion years....
So, you all have been warned.... and, don't forget about banning dihydromonoxide -that stuff can kill ya...
*edit* just checking...
The Mouse Roared - Needs to do it More
There are times when one does have to swallow ones pride, remain mum, and just go with it. It usually will blow over. And, there are times when a good swift kick to the nads is called for. Frankly, its long overdue. The Cabal that masquerades as the Democratic (in name only) elected body (well, there are *some* good ones in the ranks) has had an urgent need to be both put in their place, and, told to shut up. I'm all in favor for a squeaky wheel getting the grease it needs, but this is ridiculous.
From Pelosi's ramblings about timetables, her channeling the 'will of the American People', and just about everything else she can stumble/mumble about to make her agenda come true. Add to that to Murtha's un-vet like steerage, Dick Durban's fascists fantasies, and the whole host of counter-negative held views by many others.
Bush has had a rocky Presidency. It didn't start off well (I really don't look forward to a Supreme Court visit, even as a tourist), 9/11 didn't help, and the chronic hand-wringing/bemoaning/braying/
Frankly, I'd really wish the PotUS would wind up and put a size 10 (wide, no doubt) penny-loafer in Shumer's jewels. Along with a
Politics is a full contact sport. And, the third tier of Government has been lax/lazy to participate. With so much need to counter the leftists and their enabling allies, I really think a former Occupant (namely the 26th) had the right idea. Only, my stick would be a sledgehammer. At the very least, the 40th occupant used satire and logical humor to humble and brow-beat them back.
Time to lace up the Thom McCann's, George. Don't forget the steel toes....
When a spy isn't a spy
Can I get into trouble for saying that......? :-)
Valorie the not-so-secret spy had her time before the Pannel today, along with the microphone and camera arrays. From what I can tell, her testimony centered on the end-results of the 'outing' of her and the impact of the act.
If Mrs. Wilson really was concerned with this outtage, why did she attend NYC cocktail parties as her own hubby refered to her as 'my wife, the spy'. Add to that, having a photo-spread in Vanity Fair, showing the both of them, giving details of Joe Wilson, diplomat at large, and, his DC-connected wife during a lull of their hectic life style.
Seems to this humble blogger that one who does not want any light shined upon then would not put themselves into situations where the light does rest upon them. I really can't see William Casey or Brent Scrowcoft in the serving line at a toidy shindig for the well-to-do element of high-society. Seems to me, spys/secret agents (James Bond excluded) would look for other things to occupy their time, like escape routs and alternate get-away avenues.
Kinda hard to make a daring escape when you got a Johnny Walker Black (on ice) in one hand and a Hors'dovers plate in the other...
I honestly think that Val (and Joe) overplayed their hand, but are getting way past their alloted 15 minutes of face time. Scooter Libby may not get a reprieve, but, there seems to be more than enough doubt and eye-raising facts to cast a critical eye. Either that, or Rowe's flying monkeys will spirit him off as he leaves the courthouse, a la Sirius Black in the Harry Potter books.
Now, to get Carville to shut the hell up...
I'm baaaaaaaack....
More to follow soon. With all that is happening, it REALLY is aching for some rebuff...