
An Open Letter to the GOP "Thanks, guys, its been real..."

Dear _______________ (whom ever is in charge)

Just a brief insight to let you know that I will not, now or in the future, support any GOP candidate, contribute funds or time, nor will I speak positively to any GOP policy until both that travesty of a bill regarding Illegal, undocumented *citizens* is removed and real, TRUE attention is paid to securing the borders and acting on the Illegal alien issues.

You see, its high time the needs of the country come before political concerns (i.e. re-election and holding of office). As a benefactor of my vote (and, from many of my friends and fellow countrymen), it is in your interest to promote, protect, and be absorbent to the will and desires of the electorate, not just a smile, a polite nod, and body heat-exchange that mimics speech. You were sent to your respective offices due to the act of voting. It is your criteria in holding that office that you act in a manner that represents and is answerable to that electorate. If it is not, you deserve the reaction you get (removal by election, referendum, etc).

It is high time that the GOP, which is the party that holds the reins of power in DC ACT like a party in charge. Sure, seats of power are held by GOP members, yet they are nothing more than laurels or blurbs when introduced at graduation ceremonies, christening, or fund raisers.

You are blowing your chance at making REAL changes - instead of carrying on the status quo. So much time is been lost at trying to make the opposition like you (*NEWS FLASH* they never will), that you are, effectively, immobile and unresolute. Sure, you get things passes, but not REAL changes. And, its high time you make the best of the time you got left.

Illegals are one of our main concerns. They take jobs, services, resources, and flaunt their disregard for our country, all for the want of greenbacks. They have no desire to meld with the culture - they have their own of everything and no desire to assimilate into our melting pot. They have already broken our laws, so, what effect does the rest have on them? They know there is no serious effort to stop them, since the border is not only an open window, but the gateway to prosperity. Once they get here, they often get in-state tuition for higher learning (not even our military spouses get that), secured student loans (that, probaly, will never be paid back), breaks in buying a home, and even ownership of property. Drivers license issuance is practically assured in all states, which, oddly, has the ability to cast votes in elections attached to it.

The news reports claim that 11 million would be effected by the law. How is it known how many are REALLY here? I think there should be some explaining about that figure and how it was arrived at. Personally, I think its more substantial...

This is not some Nationalistic banter - its a frustrated Republican extremely mad at my party. I'm mad at Sen. McCain stating "Illegals are some of our best citizens", which is an oxymoronic statement if I've ever heard one. I'm tired of Senator Frist saying the pending law addresses real change, which, it does not. Three levels of Illegals? How the heck are you gonna determine which level applies? Ask them?

Its high time action be taken to secure the borders, address the illegal alien issue, hold businesses accountable for hiring them (high fines and making them painful examples), along with sweeps of our major cities, empowering local law enforcement to act in proxy with INS when they detain illegals, and, just adherence to the laws already on the books. The sad fact is there is no desire to to any of this, since it is perceived to hurt relations with Latino voters. I think the opposite - it will foster far greater animosity with the non-Latinos in the manner that they don't matter, and, are a 'lock' or 'in the pocket' come vote casting time.

I hereby declare notice that I will no longer contribute, promote, or back ANY GOP candidate (local, state, or Federal) that does not support or affirm his support on these issues. Promoting/performing illegal behavior and breaking established laws should not be a reward - it should be punished to the full extent of the law as possible.


PS - I will retract this when the GOP 'comes around'... I hope Rep. Pelosi enjoys her tenure as speaker of the house...