Scooter Libby has a date with a Judge and his barrister. I totally agree that he is innocent until proven guilty, but I would hope to foster something more desirable from the realm known as DC – transposing themselves in his place for breaking the rules.
For one, I am QUITE tired of BAU (business as usual) from both sides of the Potomac River. I'm tired of following the rules set out from there, only to find out that many there feel they are 'optional' or only apply 'when caught'. I really thought we left that notion and quaint practice when we threw off the shackles of British reign. Seems we gained another form of nobility after throwing off another.
From Congress men/woman (I truly detest the PC term of 'person' for everything - AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!) to act in this disregard, contempt, and utter brigand ability is a slap to the face of their constituents. If we managed out checkbooks the way DC does with the National one, we’d all be before judges, counseling, and even classes to do better. DC takes out additional loans to cover the ‘float’. Sad to say, my grandkids pick up the tab, even though they’ve never drawn a breath or paycheck.
Same thing goes for dishonesty. I lie to a FBI question, I go to the slammer. If a mountainous, protected Governmental employee does it, he gets dinner afterwards on K street or Alexandria – and indigestion as a possible continuance.
There is no fear of result for misbehavior – only book deals, face time, and the knowledge that Joe Six-pack will never taste the sweetness of such power. I only wish I could drive a car off a bridge (with an intern still inside), withhold my testimony for 24 hours (to get it right (and allow the anti-freeze to ebb from my bloodstream)), and only get off with a minor wrist slap. At the least, my wife would be waiting for me at the door with a Louisville, or, tire iron.
Which leads to the unquenchable thrust for power, and the thrust even more power by the denizens of DC. What one controls, motivates, or even influences is far more important than doing something of need for their constituents and the citizens. Do you think that Tom Delay has one shred of remorse for his deeds, except to get back to Georgetown for the Friday night party at a Raytheon’s lobbyists posh home? I bet they ain’t serving ham salad on Ritz crackers with Old Milwaukee… Same goes for Sen. Frist and his ‘blind’ stock deals. At least he wasn’t working with cattle, only his family medical biz.
At one time, I really hoped the Great American Nap™ was over. The citizenry had shock off its haze, grabbed a cup of fresh brew, and began to take notice of the shenanigans happening.
Alas, it turned out to be the end of REM sleep, a pit stop, and the beginning of the second wave. Starbucks doesn’t open until 6:30am (at least by me….).
I do hope that DC takes notice of Libby as he enters the DC courtroom, and heartfully applaud Mr. Fitzgerald for his diligence, devotion to duty, and doing the work that does need done. I wish there were more like him – DC is a big place.
We need more like him and statesmen (do I hear the PC police???) – not BAU…
Give War a Chance
Programing in the Key of C
Ah, yessss.....
I've started my next class for the Degree, and the draw is programing 370 - C programming.
It is a steep climb from web work, but, the more I dig into it, the fun it is.
Now, it ain't your father's BASIC, PASCAL, or COBAL, but it is pretty interesting.
Its week two, and, with a little help from my frind Jason (gentle plodding, and pointing in the right direction) it is making sense. That, and my Dummies book and the internet, are getting me through.
I'll never look at software the same again... :-)
I've started my next class for the Degree, and the draw is programing 370 - C programming.
It is a steep climb from web work, but, the more I dig into it, the fun it is.
Now, it ain't your father's BASIC, PASCAL, or COBAL, but it is pretty interesting.
Its week two, and, with a little help from my frind Jason (gentle plodding, and pointing in the right direction) it is making sense. That, and my Dummies book and the internet, are getting me through.
I'll never look at software the same again... :-)
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