The Supreme Court handed down a ruling yesterday that is utterly amazing.
In the specific case, a Connecticut man had his property taken by Eminent Domain laws on the books in that state, and ultimately taken before the SCotUS.
Their ruling? "The Supreme Court ruled Thursday, in one of its most closely watched property-rights cases in years, that fostering economic development is an appropriate use of the government's power of eminent domain." ( )
What does it mean? Well, its up to the reader to decipher. I think it means if you own the property, refuse to sell, the local government can claim ED and take control of the property. I still think there would be a form of compensation, but not to the level a developer can make off redeveloping. The mind boggles....
Where does it end? Can they take other forms of property, like you car, bicycle, computer, guns, and even you? How does this effect such things as playgrounds, farmland, and even churches? Could they condemn your house, then, take it by ED without compensation? At gunpoint?
With this, a deep pocketed developer or business could 'influence' or 'persuade' a local goverment that 'Developement of Main Street would add a great deal to the Tax base if we got rid of the "blight" that currently resides there. We MUST put our best foot forward. Its good for us, as for you." What used to be my ancestrial home for 5 Generations is now a car dealership. Odd, but I feel a kinship with the Native Americans and the countless useless pieces of paper the Goverment issued to them for their land.
The mind boggles. One of the unique things that is granted Americans is the right to own property and gain wealth from it. Now, is it still valid? From the things that set us aside from the rest of the Western world, our rights granted from the BoR (Bill of Rights) does set us apart. But, with this ruling, it erodes further.
The Patriot Act was a major invasion of personal freedom. With the SCotUS decision, we take a further stroll down the dark path...