Scooter Libby has a date with a Judge and his barrister. I totally agree that he is innocent until proven guilty, but I would hope to foster something more desirable from the realm known as DC – transposing themselves in his place for breaking the rules.
For one, I am QUITE tired of BAU (business as usual) from both sides of the Potomac River. I'm tired of following the rules set out from there, only to find out that many there feel they are 'optional' or only apply 'when caught'. I really thought we left that notion and quaint practice when we threw off the shackles of British reign. Seems we gained another form of nobility after throwing off another.
From Congress men/woman (I truly detest the PC term of 'person' for everything - AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!) to act in this disregard, contempt, and utter brigand ability is a slap to the face of their constituents. If we managed out checkbooks the way DC does with the National one, we’d all be before judges, counseling, and even classes to do better. DC takes out additional loans to cover the ‘float’. Sad to say, my grandkids pick up the tab, even though they’ve never drawn a breath or paycheck.
Same thing goes for dishonesty. I lie to a FBI question, I go to the slammer. If a mountainous, protected Governmental employee does it, he gets dinner afterwards on K street or Alexandria – and indigestion as a possible continuance.
There is no fear of result for misbehavior – only book deals, face time, and the knowledge that Joe Six-pack will never taste the sweetness of such power. I only wish I could drive a car off a bridge (with an intern still inside), withhold my testimony for 24 hours (to get it right (and allow the anti-freeze to ebb from my bloodstream)), and only get off with a minor wrist slap. At the least, my wife would be waiting for me at the door with a Louisville, or, tire iron.
Which leads to the unquenchable thrust for power, and the thrust even more power by the denizens of DC. What one controls, motivates, or even influences is far more important than doing something of need for their constituents and the citizens. Do you think that Tom Delay has one shred of remorse for his deeds, except to get back to Georgetown for the Friday night party at a Raytheon’s lobbyists posh home? I bet they ain’t serving ham salad on Ritz crackers with Old Milwaukee… Same goes for Sen. Frist and his ‘blind’ stock deals. At least he wasn’t working with cattle, only his family medical biz.
At one time, I really hoped the Great American Nap™ was over. The citizenry had shock off its haze, grabbed a cup of fresh brew, and began to take notice of the shenanigans happening.
Alas, it turned out to be the end of REM sleep, a pit stop, and the beginning of the second wave. Starbucks doesn’t open until 6:30am (at least by me….).
I do hope that DC takes notice of Libby as he enters the DC courtroom, and heartfully applaud Mr. Fitzgerald for his diligence, devotion to duty, and doing the work that does need done. I wish there were more like him – DC is a big place.
We need more like him and statesmen (do I hear the PC police???) – not BAU…
Give War a Chance
Programing in the Key of C
Ah, yessss.....
I've started my next class for the Degree, and the draw is programing 370 - C programming.
It is a steep climb from web work, but, the more I dig into it, the fun it is.
Now, it ain't your father's BASIC, PASCAL, or COBAL, but it is pretty interesting.
Its week two, and, with a little help from my frind Jason (gentle plodding, and pointing in the right direction) it is making sense. That, and my Dummies book and the internet, are getting me through.
I'll never look at software the same again... :-)
I've started my next class for the Degree, and the draw is programing 370 - C programming.
It is a steep climb from web work, but, the more I dig into it, the fun it is.
Now, it ain't your father's BASIC, PASCAL, or COBAL, but it is pretty interesting.
Its week two, and, with a little help from my frind Jason (gentle plodding, and pointing in the right direction) it is making sense. That, and my Dummies book and the internet, are getting me through.
I'll never look at software the same again... :-)
T minus three, and counting....
The daughter (child #1) is about to turn seven (7) on Monday, and, it has been weighing heavy.
Using the 'wayback machine', I still remember holding her moments from her arrival, looking into her eyes with wonder, amazement, and realizing the potential of this little person. I reckoned that those little hands would never grow, her feet never destined to carry her weight, and that little body would stay eternally small.
And, it seems like the blink of an eye, she's turned seven on us.
Where did the time go? I mean, I still remember the smell of the diapers (and, carrying the bag out to the trash), buying diapers, all the small clothes we bought, sleepless nights, and the amused constant carrying and singing to calm her down for a few precious hours of sleep.
I remember the haggard look in the Minister of Finance's (MoF) eyes, the 'Its your night' commands, and learning that the diaper should be snug, not a 'tad' loose or wrapped like a noose.
I remember her first bundle up to go out into the snow, and the horror of watching her fall, only to get back up and do it about 25 more times, all the while giggling and getting rosy and red cheeks that would pale a burning coal. I remember her red wagon, traipsing about the neighborhood, with a blanket as a bumper inside and dragging it up our slight hill numerous times. I remember her cruising about the coffee table, learning her first steps, and, gaining confidence to do it solo. I remember her pacifier hanging in her mouth, to the point of almost falling out, then being sucked back in like a gumball.
The baby that was daughter is growing so fast. She's bounding off to second grade, learning, and mastering marvelous skills that are the foundation for further learning. She's making friends, learning personality, and getting one of her own. She tests the bounds of her envelope within the family, gets scolded, yelled at, and sometimes corrected. And, we are learning that the worst is yet to come...
I always wondered why my mom said 'never take your eyes off them,' as she held my nephew, 'because they'll grow up on you too fast'. She was right in more ways than one.
There are plenty of things I would love to do over. Wrongs to right, make more time, even to increase the exposure. But, sadly, here and now is important as long-gone. The honest treasure besides my family is the priceless scrapbook behind my eyes. Its filled with sights, sounds, pictures, movies, and even smells (some that I swear, will never go away...) that I don't plan to share. Maybe, one day, they're perfect a way to save them on a medium that can be shared. I'd give it to her as a priceless rememberance of days gone by. And, then, she'd understand how she looked thru our eyes...
There are some gifts one should prize and retain like a King's ransom...and, to give a ransom for...
Happy Birthday Monkey! Many more to come...
PS - there is more to being 'rich' than geld...
The daughter (child #1) is about to turn seven (7) on Monday, and, it has been weighing heavy.
Using the 'wayback machine', I still remember holding her moments from her arrival, looking into her eyes with wonder, amazement, and realizing the potential of this little person. I reckoned that those little hands would never grow, her feet never destined to carry her weight, and that little body would stay eternally small.
And, it seems like the blink of an eye, she's turned seven on us.
Where did the time go? I mean, I still remember the smell of the diapers (and, carrying the bag out to the trash), buying diapers, all the small clothes we bought, sleepless nights, and the amused constant carrying and singing to calm her down for a few precious hours of sleep.
I remember the haggard look in the Minister of Finance's (MoF) eyes, the 'Its your night' commands, and learning that the diaper should be snug, not a 'tad' loose or wrapped like a noose.
I remember her first bundle up to go out into the snow, and the horror of watching her fall, only to get back up and do it about 25 more times, all the while giggling and getting rosy and red cheeks that would pale a burning coal. I remember her red wagon, traipsing about the neighborhood, with a blanket as a bumper inside and dragging it up our slight hill numerous times. I remember her cruising about the coffee table, learning her first steps, and, gaining confidence to do it solo. I remember her pacifier hanging in her mouth, to the point of almost falling out, then being sucked back in like a gumball.
The baby that was daughter is growing so fast. She's bounding off to second grade, learning, and mastering marvelous skills that are the foundation for further learning. She's making friends, learning personality, and getting one of her own. She tests the bounds of her envelope within the family, gets scolded, yelled at, and sometimes corrected. And, we are learning that the worst is yet to come...
I always wondered why my mom said 'never take your eyes off them,' as she held my nephew, 'because they'll grow up on you too fast'. She was right in more ways than one.
There are plenty of things I would love to do over. Wrongs to right, make more time, even to increase the exposure. But, sadly, here and now is important as long-gone. The honest treasure besides my family is the priceless scrapbook behind my eyes. Its filled with sights, sounds, pictures, movies, and even smells (some that I swear, will never go away...) that I don't plan to share. Maybe, one day, they're perfect a way to save them on a medium that can be shared. I'd give it to her as a priceless rememberance of days gone by. And, then, she'd understand how she looked thru our eyes...
There are some gifts one should prize and retain like a King's ransom...and, to give a ransom for...
Happy Birthday Monkey! Many more to come...
PS - there is more to being 'rich' than geld...
What is going on here?!?!?!?!?!
I've been following the Able Danger bruhaha, and I'm getting confused here.
(for a good overview, go to Captain's Quarters, Intel Dump, and Laura Rosen)
I just find it hard to believe that a) the 911 commission would overlook the data found by this DOD project that found (via datamining) the names of many of the hijackers, their trails and tracks, and the foreshadowing of events b) Members of the AD team (Smith, Phillpott, and Shaffer) report their findings, yet get the veto, and c) the trail, evidence, and even the 2.5TB (terabytes of data, folks, meaning 2500 gigabytes of collected data) were deleted and no document trail can be found.
Jerry Doyle (of Bab5 fame) has been railing on this for a while, along with other talkshow hosts. (His show is a hoot - I listen to it on the way home on the Sat radio in the Saturn)
I know our GOV holds back info (heh), yet, I find it rather insulting that these Military officers come forth, present their case, and attempt to correct the oversight. Now, Fillpott and others are getting Bork'd - and, the first round of discredting them is one Miliatry member loosing his Clearance creds for $67 in charges for personal use on a Mil Cell phone account. Wow - what's next, double parking? Smoking in a school zone?
I've seen secracy within the Military. Heck, I even did it myself. But, how about some consistancy, being forthwith with the Citizenry. We're adults (not too sure on Bubba and his 'best friend') - we can take bad news. 911, the tsunami, and even hurricane Katrina and Rita show that we can handle the bad, along with the good.
Come one guys! Don't do a Jack Nickleson in 'A Few Good Men' and the 'You can't handle the truth' speech. Believe me, after 9/11 and the Iraq war, we can take it...
(for a good overview, go to Captain's Quarters, Intel Dump, and Laura Rosen)
I just find it hard to believe that a) the 911 commission would overlook the data found by this DOD project that found (via datamining) the names of many of the hijackers, their trails and tracks, and the foreshadowing of events b) Members of the AD team (Smith, Phillpott, and Shaffer) report their findings, yet get the veto, and c) the trail, evidence, and even the 2.5TB (terabytes of data, folks, meaning 2500 gigabytes of collected data) were deleted and no document trail can be found.
Jerry Doyle (of Bab5 fame) has been railing on this for a while, along with other talkshow hosts. (His show is a hoot - I listen to it on the way home on the Sat radio in the Saturn)
I know our GOV holds back info (heh), yet, I find it rather insulting that these Military officers come forth, present their case, and attempt to correct the oversight. Now, Fillpott and others are getting Bork'd - and, the first round of discredting them is one Miliatry member loosing his Clearance creds for $67 in charges for personal use on a Mil Cell phone account. Wow - what's next, double parking? Smoking in a school zone?
I've seen secracy within the Military. Heck, I even did it myself. But, how about some consistancy, being forthwith with the Citizenry. We're adults (not too sure on Bubba and his 'best friend') - we can take bad news. 911, the tsunami, and even hurricane Katrina and Rita show that we can handle the bad, along with the good.
Come one guys! Don't do a Jack Nickleson in 'A Few Good Men' and the 'You can't handle the truth' speech. Believe me, after 9/11 and the Iraq war, we can take it...
Klingon Fairy Tales
thanks to Mike Richardson-Bryan (and, my Sis-n-law - Thankx, Tracy)
"Goldilocks Dies With Honor at the Hands of the Three Bears"
"Snow White and the Six Dwarves She Killed With Her Bare Hands and the Seventh Dwarf She Let Get Away as a Warning to Others"
"There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe With a Big Spike on It"
"The Three Little Pigs Build an Improvised Explosive Device and Deal With That Damned Wolf Once and for All"
"Jack and the Giant Settle Their Differences With Flaming Knives"
"Old Mother Hubbard, Lacking the Means to Support Herself With Honor, Sets Her Disruptor on Self-Destruct and Waits for the Inevitable"
"Mary Had a Little Lamb. It Was Delicious"
"Little Red Riding Hood Strays Into the Neutral Zone and Is Never Heard From Again, Although There Are Rumors ... Awful, Awful Rumors"
"Hansel and Gretel Offend Vlad the Impaler"
"The Hare Foolishly Lowers His Guard and Is Devastated by the Tortoise, Whose Prowess in Battle Attracts Many Desirable Mates"
"Goldilocks Dies With Honor at the Hands of the Three Bears"
"Snow White and the Six Dwarves She Killed With Her Bare Hands and the Seventh Dwarf She Let Get Away as a Warning to Others"
"There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe With a Big Spike on It"
"The Three Little Pigs Build an Improvised Explosive Device and Deal With That Damned Wolf Once and for All"
"Jack and the Giant Settle Their Differences With Flaming Knives"
"Old Mother Hubbard, Lacking the Means to Support Herself With Honor, Sets Her Disruptor on Self-Destruct and Waits for the Inevitable"
"Mary Had a Little Lamb. It Was Delicious"
"Little Red Riding Hood Strays Into the Neutral Zone and Is Never Heard From Again, Although There Are Rumors ... Awful, Awful Rumors"
"Hansel and Gretel Offend Vlad the Impaler"
"The Hare Foolishly Lowers His Guard and Is Devastated by the Tortoise, Whose Prowess in Battle Attracts Many Desirable Mates"
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm
Its been a lame week...
Labor Day was a nice break, but its hard to get into the work swing.
And, lets not talk about alergies...
But, the last though - TGIF!!!
Labor Day was a nice break, but its hard to get into the work swing.
And, lets not talk about alergies...
But, the last though - TGIF!!!
Treading H2O in the New Big Muddy
With the loss of the levy in N-O, much (some reports are 80%) are underwater.
Sad. Very sad.
I've seen a couple of floods (the Ohio does grow larger than its banks, usually in the spring), but the Kartina really did a number, with assistance from the storm surge.
One graphic on Fox showed the levies were all that stood from the normal water from the the Mississippi River and the Gulf from totally swamping out the city. Massive pumps kept the water at bay and the city dry. Reports coming in say many of the pumps are inop.
For anybody reading this, please, PLEASE, contribute as you can. Money, goods, or even time would be a great help.
God bless you all in the new Big Muddy - our hearts, hopes, and prayers are with you.
* * * UPDATE * * * (9/7/05)
so far, there's been about $.5 Billion collected for the relief effort so far. And some say people have no heart...
BTW - this is not FEMA or other sources. This is lemonade stands, bake sales, passing the (hat, firefighters boot, coffee can, etc), and every other effort. Pennies add up to nickels, to quarters, to dollars, to thousands, to millions, etc...
Sad. Very sad.
I've seen a couple of floods (the Ohio does grow larger than its banks, usually in the spring), but the Kartina really did a number, with assistance from the storm surge.
One graphic on Fox showed the levies were all that stood from the normal water from the the Mississippi River and the Gulf from totally swamping out the city. Massive pumps kept the water at bay and the city dry. Reports coming in say many of the pumps are inop.
For anybody reading this, please, PLEASE, contribute as you can. Money, goods, or even time would be a great help.
God bless you all in the new Big Muddy - our hearts, hopes, and prayers are with you.
* * * UPDATE * * * (9/7/05)
so far, there's been about $.5 Billion collected for the relief effort so far. And some say people have no heart...
BTW - this is not FEMA or other sources. This is lemonade stands, bake sales, passing the (hat, firefighters boot, coffee can, etc), and every other effort. Pennies add up to nickels, to quarters, to dollars, to thousands, to millions, etc...
*DING-DONG* - School's in session
Today (in Central Maryland) is back to school day. As the song goes, "Its the most wonderful time of the year..."
Daughter is thrilled. She made the comment yesterday that "summer vacation was boring - I want to do something fun." Ah, how about going to work for dad?
For about 2 1/2 months, they all have had a break. Its a pre-idleness mindset that when the school year starts, the goal is to get to 'summer vacation.' Yet, they mostly sit on the stoop, front porches, or run the street oblivious. I mean, oblivious to the real world happening beyond their eyesight.
How things will change when they turn in the books for an employee badge, nametag, or other ID for work.
Its amazing to remember that when you're young, you can't wait to be a teen. When you hit the teens, you can't wait for the 20's. When they hit, you can't wait for the 30's. And, on unitl the time comes full circle and you wish you were six again. This hit me while on summer vacation.
I guess my apprehention is with the schools themselves. I don't think its being a school, instead of what they teach (or, how they do it).
Personally, I think they spend too much time on ancillary things (ecology, recycling, ect) instead of important subjects (how credit works, checkbook balancing, job skills, citizenship, ect).
I know some of these things are parents subjects to teach, how about a little more help from the NEA, instead of 'lifestyle/culture/sexual awareness', 'neutral' holidays, and the host of other utterances. I know they're kids (and very impressionable - 'malleable clay' one teacher told me), but indoctrination is for cults - education is for growing minds.
And, for Pete's sake, watch out for the kids. Here in MD, we have pedestrian laws and its amazing how many drivers disregard the crosswalks and are all but obivious to all except for their cellphones and Starbucks. Small children + speeding car = disaster...
Daughter is thrilled. She made the comment yesterday that "summer vacation was boring - I want to do something fun." Ah, how about going to work for dad?
For about 2 1/2 months, they all have had a break. Its a pre-idleness mindset that when the school year starts, the goal is to get to 'summer vacation.' Yet, they mostly sit on the stoop, front porches, or run the street oblivious. I mean, oblivious to the real world happening beyond their eyesight.
How things will change when they turn in the books for an employee badge, nametag, or other ID for work.
Its amazing to remember that when you're young, you can't wait to be a teen. When you hit the teens, you can't wait for the 20's. When they hit, you can't wait for the 30's. And, on unitl the time comes full circle and you wish you were six again. This hit me while on summer vacation.
I guess my apprehention is with the schools themselves. I don't think its being a school, instead of what they teach (or, how they do it).
Personally, I think they spend too much time on ancillary things (ecology, recycling, ect) instead of important subjects (how credit works, checkbook balancing, job skills, citizenship, ect).
I know some of these things are parents subjects to teach, how about a little more help from the NEA, instead of 'lifestyle/culture/sexual awareness', 'neutral' holidays, and the host of other utterances. I know they're kids (and very impressionable - 'malleable clay' one teacher told me), but indoctrination is for cults - education is for growing minds.
And, for Pete's sake, watch out for the kids. Here in MD, we have pedestrian laws and its amazing how many drivers disregard the crosswalks and are all but obivious to all except for their cellphones and Starbucks. Small children + speeding car = disaster...
The week that was
Rough week, as they go.
Co-worker was on vacation (thought she'd used up all her time by now - wrong, I see) and left the fort for my sidekick and me. Not too bad, but I get to see her site, since we really don't go up there much anymore.
The site is in prep for shutting down. Moral within the Users is low, and its an air of doom. But, all is not lost.
Its sad so see people you've known for years loose their jobs. In the lust for the all-mighty buck, the bean counters and those too far removed from the actual running of the business. And, besides the perceived savings, they have no gauge on the real, actual costs.
For one, the 'planned' move of the operations to the new, receiving site is not going too well. Little things like, knowledge transfer, 'know-how, and even the specific areas of knowledge have posed difficult.
For one, how do you maintain a sense of loyalty when you know its a countdown? Sure, you can offer $$$ to entice retention, but the future and a solid income are also important. The job market is okay, but in no ways certain.
And, with the movement of the knowledge to greener pastures, the know-how and finesse to use it leaves too. On the average, most of them have been doing the job for over 15 years. Some would argue that its just answering phones, data processing, and maintaining insurance policies, but its the specific knowledge that has retained many of them for those 15+ years. And, that's the 'young' staff....
Many remember doing it long hand with paper files instead of computer access. That, people, is longevity...
I got to talk with a few of them today. Many are quickly approaching retirement, so, it won't impact them too greatly. But, the younger ones (50 (-) and lower) are (and have a right to be) scared. With the job force young, moble, and really beholding to the almighty greenback, its no wonder they're viewed with the same awe as dino bones.
And, sitting with them, I mused that the 20 year/gold watch era is gone in the US. I listened some time ago on the radio while going to work that the current generation can expect to work 6-10 careers in their lifetime, with no continuation of one into another. I bet such considerations as pensions are pretty ancient concepts, now, too.
Its no wonder why I've begun to feel rather old.... I'm not close, but, I can feel the clock ticking...
I wish my friends well in all their endeavors. And, the bean counters to live in interesting times. I guess when you have money, friends are ancillary....
Co-worker was on vacation (thought she'd used up all her time by now - wrong, I see) and left the fort for my sidekick and me. Not too bad, but I get to see her site, since we really don't go up there much anymore.
The site is in prep for shutting down. Moral within the Users is low, and its an air of doom. But, all is not lost.
Its sad so see people you've known for years loose their jobs. In the lust for the all-mighty buck, the bean counters and those too far removed from the actual running of the business. And, besides the perceived savings, they have no gauge on the real, actual costs.
For one, the 'planned' move of the operations to the new, receiving site is not going too well. Little things like, knowledge transfer, 'know-how, and even the specific areas of knowledge have posed difficult.
For one, how do you maintain a sense of loyalty when you know its a countdown? Sure, you can offer $$$ to entice retention, but the future and a solid income are also important. The job market is okay, but in no ways certain.
And, with the movement of the knowledge to greener pastures, the know-how and finesse to use it leaves too. On the average, most of them have been doing the job for over 15 years. Some would argue that its just answering phones, data processing, and maintaining insurance policies, but its the specific knowledge that has retained many of them for those 15+ years. And, that's the 'young' staff....
Many remember doing it long hand with paper files instead of computer access. That, people, is longevity...
I got to talk with a few of them today. Many are quickly approaching retirement, so, it won't impact them too greatly. But, the younger ones (50 (-) and lower) are (and have a right to be) scared. With the job force young, moble, and really beholding to the almighty greenback, its no wonder they're viewed with the same awe as dino bones.
And, sitting with them, I mused that the 20 year/gold watch era is gone in the US. I listened some time ago on the radio while going to work that the current generation can expect to work 6-10 careers in their lifetime, with no continuation of one into another. I bet such considerations as pensions are pretty ancient concepts, now, too.
Its no wonder why I've begun to feel rather old.... I'm not close, but, I can feel the clock ticking...
I wish my friends well in all their endeavors. And, the bean counters to live in interesting times. I guess when you have money, friends are ancillary....
Michael Moore - Caloric POW
If you get a chance, check out Iowahawk.... I wish I could blog like him...
A little of this, a little of that...
Over the past week (well, 10 days) the family took posession of a Compaq R4000 laptop to replace the aged Compaq E500 . All I can say is 'WOW'. Large screen, fast processor, good vid card, and could even be called a desktop replacement.
The Wife's comments? "MINE!"
The verdict? Two snaps with an 'around the world'.. :^)
And, if you have spare time (heh), head on over to the guys at Wesnoth . They have a free computer game (some may call it strategy) that is quite nice for a freebie. Its currently at version .95, but fully functional. Hat tip to Iron Duke for reomending...
And, lastly, please, PLEASE support the troops. I was one once and know the hardships, hazzards, and the hurdles these gals/guys face. War is never pretty, war is not 'fun', but a moment of kindness (send a letter, box, cookies, buy a soldier a cup of coffee, coke, sandwich, or even a kind word in passing) will leave a lasting impression.
The Wife's comments? "MINE!"
The verdict? Two snaps with an 'around the world'.. :^)
And, if you have spare time (heh), head on over to the guys at Wesnoth . They have a free computer game (some may call it strategy) that is quite nice for a freebie. Its currently at version .95, but fully functional. Hat tip to Iron Duke for reomending...
And, lastly, please, PLEASE support the troops. I was one once and know the hardships, hazzards, and the hurdles these gals/guys face. War is never pretty, war is not 'fun', but a moment of kindness (send a letter, box, cookies, buy a soldier a cup of coffee, coke, sandwich, or even a kind word in passing) will leave a lasting impression.
Fat and loathing in the US of A
I don't want to get off on a rant here, but, why WOULD anybody order a Diet Coke at McD's???? Does that quallify as an oxymoron?
I stood in line at the Clown Shack for an AM fix, since I was too lazy to fix breakfast on my own. Now, I know I'm no fly-weight, but the guy in front of me looks about 400, about 5-8, and leaning on the counter. He orders a big breakfast (pancakes, sausage, and hashbrowns), large soda, egg mcmuffin, and another hashbrown. He looks back at me and comments "Hope this holds me over until lunch"
Only though I had was boy, it'd be a miricle if his blood fat level isn't quad-digits...
And, I felt bad for ordering my own egg mcmuffin, I left off the cheese...
Its no wonder we're a fat culture moving to the blubber and whale stage. With the loading of fast food biz's on every corner of Main Street USA, its no wonder every town has one paramedic for every 250 souls. I took it as a bad sign when I saw a casket company open in town and displayed "easy finance plans available" in the window.
I've looked out side and marveled at the kids and how they played. With a soda in one hand and a bag of Utz chips in the other. And, I got odd memories from my childhood.
Gosh, I remember Mrs. Cross yelling at me that my mom called and I had to get home for dinner. And, that was waaaay across town from my home. And, I marveled at how my mom knew I was about there. My daughter asked me what I did as a kid while on vacation. I started out by saying we played in the back yard, rode our bikes, built forts and tree houses, dug foxholes and played with our Marx guns, took hikes in the woods, swam in the local river, and, just did boy stuff.
She asked, "No, I mean, what video games did you play."
Its hard to relate to the kids today that my first TV WAS black and white (not McCarthy/Jackson tune), had about 4 stations PC (Pre-cable) and cartoons were only on saturday AM's. Frankly, fun was were we made it, but it generally wasn't at home, since mom found *things* for you to do if you were about.
With the Internet, Nintendo, Gameboy, XBOX, PS, laptops, Cable TV (pushing 500 channels), and the other *conviences*, its no wonder today's kids are the inverse of the famine images from Africa. Heck, I longed for something to do becides draw and read books on rainy days. Now, the kids whine that Spongebob is only on for 2 hours at a pop, and, they've watched the DVD's "a Million times". And, they'er probally right...
Add to it the moble lifestyle (cars with DVD players, laptops, multi-capable cellphones, etc), it only adds to the glutony and the seditary lifestyle.
I doubt that any of us could *rough it* like the pioneers and cowboys of te 19th Century did. I mean, how can anybody cook with anything becides a microwave? And, you're playing a Russian roulette game with fresh meat, when there is a good packaged meal in the freezer case. The mind bogles.
How do we fix it? Well, as parents, we need to become parents. We need to LIMIT TV, computer, movie, Nintendo, and whatnot. We need to inforce the table rule, meaning, we need to consume our food AT THE TABLE, not infront of the tube (except for movie nite and popcorn - there has to be a few exceptions). We need to get off our duffs, into the $100 sports shoes, and, make them move. Bike riding, hiking, strolling, heck, even walking for a time period (I think the FDA's recomendation for 1hr a day is a tad too much, but YMMV). Trade the heavy sugared beverages for, heck, water. Lemon juice inside it is actually pretty good, and adds needed electrolytes.
We're never gonna totally get rid of all the conviences. But, we do have to learn that they enrich a life, not make one. And, life is not The Sims,, and the 45min cellphone call while driving. What life is about is getting the most out of it, not having the most toys. Though, my six year old may disagree....
And, when you're walking, remember the 4 footed kids too who need a leash. Walking is good for the whole family. But, please, curb them or bring a baggie. I clean up enough poop without adding to it.
'Course thats just my opinion, I could be walking the dog..
I stood in line at the Clown Shack for an AM fix, since I was too lazy to fix breakfast on my own. Now, I know I'm no fly-weight, but the guy in front of me looks about 400, about 5-8, and leaning on the counter. He orders a big breakfast (pancakes, sausage, and hashbrowns), large soda, egg mcmuffin, and another hashbrown. He looks back at me and comments "Hope this holds me over until lunch"
Only though I had was boy, it'd be a miricle if his blood fat level isn't quad-digits...
And, I felt bad for ordering my own egg mcmuffin, I left off the cheese...
Its no wonder we're a fat culture moving to the blubber and whale stage. With the loading of fast food biz's on every corner of Main Street USA, its no wonder every town has one paramedic for every 250 souls. I took it as a bad sign when I saw a casket company open in town and displayed "easy finance plans available" in the window.
I've looked out side and marveled at the kids and how they played. With a soda in one hand and a bag of Utz chips in the other. And, I got odd memories from my childhood.
Gosh, I remember Mrs. Cross yelling at me that my mom called and I had to get home for dinner. And, that was waaaay across town from my home. And, I marveled at how my mom knew I was about there. My daughter asked me what I did as a kid while on vacation. I started out by saying we played in the back yard, rode our bikes, built forts and tree houses, dug foxholes and played with our Marx guns, took hikes in the woods, swam in the local river, and, just did boy stuff.
She asked, "No, I mean, what video games did you play."
Its hard to relate to the kids today that my first TV WAS black and white (not McCarthy/Jackson tune), had about 4 stations PC (Pre-cable) and cartoons were only on saturday AM's. Frankly, fun was were we made it, but it generally wasn't at home, since mom found *things* for you to do if you were about.
With the Internet, Nintendo, Gameboy, XBOX, PS
Add to it the moble lifestyle (cars with DVD players, laptops, multi-capable cellphones, etc), it only adds to the glutony and the seditary lifestyle.
I doubt that any of us could *rough it* like the pioneers and cowboys of te 19th Century did. I mean, how can anybody cook with anything becides a microwave? And, you're playing a Russian roulette game with fresh meat, when there is a good packaged meal in the freezer case. The mind bogles.
How do we fix it? Well, as parents, we need to become parents. We need to LIMIT TV, computer, movie, Nintendo, and whatnot. We need to inforce the table rule, meaning, we need to consume our food AT THE TABLE, not infront of the tube (except for movie nite and popcorn - there has to be a few exceptions). We need to get off our duffs, into the $100 sports shoes, and, make them move. Bike riding, hiking, strolling, heck, even walking for a time period (I think the FDA's recomendation for 1hr a day is a tad too much, but YMMV). Trade the heavy sugared beverages for, heck, water. Lemon juice inside it is actually pretty good, and adds needed electrolytes.
We're never gonna totally get rid of all the conviences. But, we do have to learn that they enrich a life, not make one. And, life is not The Sims,, and the 45min cellphone call while driving. What life is about is getting the most out of it, not having the most toys. Though, my six year old may disagree....
And, when you're walking, remember the 4 footed kids too who need a leash. Walking is good for the whole family. But, please, curb them or bring a baggie. I clean up enough poop without adding to it.
'Course thats just my opinion, I could be walking the dog..
Vacation survival
I've been back from vacation for 2 days and I have never felt soooo drained.
Vacation was good. Got to spend time with the inlaws (actually, a good thing...), do some shopping, and see the older bro. We don't visit much, due to time, I guess....
Pittsburgh was sweltering. Temps above 95, high humidity, and oppressive like a Cuban traffic cop. But, home is home.
I got to see the Pirates play, and have come to reason that the '79 team must have used alot of the team's good luck, because they suck worse than a Hoover. At least you can clean up with a Hoover...
All in all, vacation was good, but not long enough. Now, to win the lottery, and go on perminate vacation... =)
Vacation was good. Got to spend time with the inlaws (actually, a good thing...), do some shopping, and see the older bro. We don't visit much, due to time, I guess....
Pittsburgh was sweltering. Temps above 95, high humidity, and oppressive like a Cuban traffic cop. But, home is home.
I got to see the Pirates play, and have come to reason that the '79 team must have used alot of the team's good luck, because they suck worse than a Hoover. At least you can clean up with a Hoover...
All in all, vacation was good, but not long enough. Now, to win the lottery, and go on perminate vacation... =)
What's mine is yours....
The Supreme Court handed down a ruling yesterday that is utterly amazing.
In the specific case, a Connecticut man had his property taken by Eminent Domain laws on the books in that state, and ultimately taken before the SCotUS.
Their ruling? "The Supreme Court ruled Thursday, in one of its most closely watched property-rights cases in years, that fostering economic development is an appropriate use of the government's power of eminent domain." ( )
What does it mean? Well, its up to the reader to decipher. I think it means if you own the property, refuse to sell, the local government can claim ED and take control of the property. I still think there would be a form of compensation, but not to the level a developer can make off redeveloping. The mind boggles....
Where does it end? Can they take other forms of property, like you car, bicycle, computer, guns, and even you? How does this effect such things as playgrounds, farmland, and even churches? Could they condemn your house, then, take it by ED without compensation? At gunpoint?
With this, a deep pocketed developer or business could 'influence' or 'persuade' a local goverment that 'Developement of Main Street would add a great deal to the Tax base if we got rid of the "blight" that currently resides there. We MUST put our best foot forward. Its good for us, as for you." What used to be my ancestrial home for 5 Generations is now a car dealership. Odd, but I feel a kinship with the Native Americans and the countless useless pieces of paper the Goverment issued to them for their land.
The mind boggles. One of the unique things that is granted Americans is the right to own property and gain wealth from it. Now, is it still valid? From the things that set us aside from the rest of the Western world, our rights granted from the BoR (Bill of Rights) does set us apart. But, with this ruling, it erodes further.
The Patriot Act was a major invasion of personal freedom. With the SCotUS decision, we take a further stroll down the dark path...
In the specific case, a Connecticut man had his property taken by Eminent Domain laws on the books in that state, and ultimately taken before the SCotUS.
Their ruling? "The Supreme Court ruled Thursday, in one of its most closely watched property-rights cases in years, that fostering economic development is an appropriate use of the government's power of eminent domain." ( )
What does it mean? Well, its up to the reader to decipher. I think it means if you own the property, refuse to sell, the local government can claim ED and take control of the property. I still think there would be a form of compensation, but not to the level a developer can make off redeveloping. The mind boggles....
Where does it end? Can they take other forms of property, like you car, bicycle, computer, guns, and even you? How does this effect such things as playgrounds, farmland, and even churches? Could they condemn your house, then, take it by ED without compensation? At gunpoint?
With this, a deep pocketed developer or business could 'influence' or 'persuade' a local goverment that 'Developement of Main Street would add a great deal to the Tax base if we got rid of the "blight" that currently resides there. We MUST put our best foot forward. Its good for us, as for you." What used to be my ancestrial home for 5 Generations is now a car dealership. Odd, but I feel a kinship with the Native Americans and the countless useless pieces of paper the Goverment issued to them for their land.
The mind boggles. One of the unique things that is granted Americans is the right to own property and gain wealth from it. Now, is it still valid? From the things that set us aside from the rest of the Western world, our rights granted from the BoR (Bill of Rights) does set us apart. But, with this ruling, it erodes further.
The Patriot Act was a major invasion of personal freedom. With the SCotUS decision, we take a further stroll down the dark path...
The body is a weird place.
I spent a day away from work yesterday recouping from an impromptu trip to the clinic late windstorm nite. A trip that was odd...
It all started Tuesday morning during the daily ritual - the shower. I noticed a welt under my armpit. No biggie, since I get them when the weather gets warm and I sweat. And, as a big human, I do sweat...
So, off to work I go, then come home and change. No real change in the welt.
windstorm AM, I do the shower routine, and notice the welt is the size of a golfball. So, off to work, notice that it itches a little more, and even a bit of numbness in the fingers. The wife takes a look at it when she gets home from work and notices it has gotten larger. So, off in the car, trap off to the clinic, and get seen.
I know it profile isn't anything but a boil, an abscess, or a "carbuncle".
SO, the doc says "gotta lance it, may take a half an hour". After prepping, cleaning, and even getting the area ready for the procedure, it still took about an hour.
Then came the lidocane - when they say it will burn, they aren't kidding... but, it will get numb..
Doc grabbs a scalpel, and makes a 1" cut on top of the lump. Then, lets it drain. After 10 minutes, he says "Wow, it was a large one... now, for the core". Then, goes to squeezing. And, squeezing. And squeezing....
FINALLY finishing, he then bandages up the wound, tells me to take the day, then I see the side of the bed and the drop pail to catch the lap-pads. Blood. Lots of it. No wonder I felt woozie...
He showed me some of the matter from the core - its indescribable...
From what He said, its caused by chemicals that open the skin pours, allows sweat, dead skin, hair, and even deodorant inside to percolate and fester. And, an abscess is formed.
Its amazing how weird the body can be. No wonder why they call medicine a 'practice'...
It all started Tuesday morning during the daily ritual - the shower. I noticed a welt under my armpit. No biggie, since I get them when the weather gets warm and I sweat. And, as a big human, I do sweat...
So, off to work I go, then come home and change. No real change in the welt.
windstorm AM, I do the shower routine, and notice the welt is the size of a golfball. So, off to work, notice that it itches a little more, and even a bit of numbness in the fingers. The wife takes a look at it when she gets home from work and notices it has gotten larger. So, off in the car, trap off to the clinic, and get seen.
I know it profile isn't anything but a boil, an abscess, or a "carbuncle"
SO, the doc says "gotta lance it, may take a half an hour". After prepping, cleaning, and even getting the area ready for the procedure, it still took about an hour.
Then came the lidocane - when they say it will burn, they aren't kidding... but, it will get numb..
Doc grabbs a scalpel, and makes a 1" cut on top of the lump. Then, lets it drain. After 10 minutes, he says "Wow, it was a large one... now, for the core". Then, goes to squeezing. And, squeezing. And squeezing....
FINALLY finishing, he then bandages up the wound, tells me to take the day, then I see the side of the bed and the drop pail to catch the lap-pads. Blood. Lots of it. No wonder I felt woozie...
He showed me some of the matter from the core - its indescribable...
From what He said, its caused by chemicals that open the skin pours, allows sweat, dead skin, hair, and even deodorant inside to percolate and fester. And, an abscess is formed.
Its amazing how weird the body can be. No wonder why they call medicine a 'practice'...
Air(head) America
I took the plunge yesterday and began to listen to 'the other side of the talk dial' while doing my algebra homework. It was an eye-opener...
Let me start with that I really don't consider myself a conservative, liberal, or any of the other dogmas that corrupt the political landscape. If anything, I'm a blend of libertarian and conservative views, if they could blend. I like little (if any) intrusion in my life, fortune, and wellbeing by any entity that claims 'to act in my behalf', which, is camouflage to reap power and as much as they can.
But, the AA (Air America) crew is waaaaay out there.
The local Baltimore talk radio station is romper-room compared to the spite, outright hate, and complete demogoguery broadcast. Its no wonder that the markets they are active in are major population centers, and, the ratings are subterranean and dropping. The man I heard last night was so shrill, the microphone cover needs changing due to spittle saturation and the threat of instant rust formation.
I'm for voicing your opinion. I'm for standing up for what one thinks is right. Heck, civil disobedience IS an American historical trait (if not, Concord and Lexington were just keggers that got out of hand...). But, outright hatred and vileness is not discord - its certifiable and would get a common man 72 hours in his favorite white, padded room for observation because he's not behind the protection of a microphone and a battery of support that would make Michael Jackson's look like public defenders.
I guess you could say that it is their right to broadcast and present their ideas and thoughts for all to see. I'm just afraid of what waits in the audience, receiving....
* * * UPDATE <0824/05> * * *
Seems the AA guys got themselves in a bit of scandle - taking cookie money from the Boys/Girls club in NYC...tsk, tsk..
I guess its for the kids, so....its okay...
Let me start with that I really don't consider myself a conservative, liberal, or any of the other dogmas that corrupt the political landscape. If anything, I'm a blend of libertarian and conservative views, if they could blend. I like little (if any) intrusion in my life, fortune, and wellbeing by any entity that claims 'to act in my behalf', which, is camouflage to reap power and as much as they can.
But, the AA (Air America) crew is waaaaay out there.
The local Baltimore talk radio station is romper-room compared to the spite, outright hate, and complete demogoguery broadcast. Its no wonder that the markets they are active in are major population centers, and, the ratings are subterranean and dropping. The man I heard last night was so shrill, the microphone cover needs changing due to spittle saturation and the threat of instant rust formation.
I'm for voicing your opinion. I'm for standing up for what one thinks is right. Heck, civil disobedience IS an American historical trait (if not, Concord and Lexington were just keggers that got out of hand...). But, outright hatred and vileness is not discord - its certifiable and would get a common man 72 hours in his favorite white, padded room for observation because he's not behind the protection of a microphone and a battery of support that would make Michael Jackson's look like public defenders.
I guess you could say that it is their right to broadcast and present their ideas and thoughts for all to see. I'm just afraid of what waits in the audience, receiving....
* * * UPDATE <0824/05> * * *
Seems the AA guys got themselves in a bit of scandle - taking cookie money from the Boys/Girls club in NYC...tsk, tsk..
I guess its for the kids, so....its okay...
"oh, you're gonna have a blast..."
The next time your boss is excessivly upbeat about a project, kick him in the knee.... =]
I'm a "Classic Rock" nut. From growing up in the late 60's, current era (CE for the revisionists...) 'rock' music is, IMHO, whinny, sorrowful, monotone, and screed. There are no more Jimi Hendrix' (altho Lenny Kravitz comes close), Led Zepplins, or Pink Floyds.
Procol Harum (www. was about as pychedelic as a band could get. From songs like Conquistador, Shine on Brightly, and A Whiter Shade of Pale, they did trip the light fandango...
Here are the lyrics:
We skipped the light fandango
turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
I was feeling kinda seasick
but the crowd called out for more
the room was humming harder
as the ceiling flew away
when we called out for another drink
the waiter brought a tray
and so it was the later
as the miller told his tale
as her face, at first just ghostly
turned a whiter shade of pale
She said "there is no reason
and the truth is plain to see"
but I wondered through my playing cards
and would not let her be
one of 16 vestal virgins
that were leaving for the coast
and althought my eyes were open
they might just as well be closed. (there are additional lyrics that were sung at live concerts that I was not aware of - guess I'm not the fan I should be...=) )
The lyrics are open to interpretation, but who really knows? If you have some insight, please, share....
I'm a "Classic Rock" nut. From growing up in the late 60's, current era (CE for the revisionists...) 'rock' music is, IMHO, whinny, sorrowful, monotone, and screed. There are no more Jimi Hendrix' (altho Lenny Kravitz comes close), Led Zepplins, or Pink Floyds.
Procol Harum (www. was about as pychedelic as a band could get. From songs like Conquistador, Shine on Brightly, and A Whiter Shade of Pale, they did trip the light fandango...
Here are the lyrics:
We skipped the light fandango
turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
I was feeling kinda seasick
but the crowd called out for more
the room was humming harder
as the ceiling flew away
when we called out for another drink
the waiter brought a tray
and so it was the later
as the miller told his tale
as her face, at first just ghostly
turned a whiter shade of pale
She said "there is no reason
and the truth is plain to see"
but I wondered through my playing cards
and would not let her be
one of 16 vestal virgins
that were leaving for the coast
and althought my eyes were open
they might just as well be closed. (there are additional lyrics that were sung at live concerts that I was not aware of - guess I'm not the fan I should be...=) )
The lyrics are open to interpretation, but who really knows? If you have some insight, please, share....
A_R is revealed!!!!
For all my Mad Cow Steakhouse friends, I am *the* arclight.
Accept no imitations - ask for the 'real deal'....=)
Accept no imitations - ask for the 'real deal'....=)
Opening Salvo....
To whom this concerns....
....where do I begin....
At the behest of a colleague, friend, and pseudo-mentor, I've taken the blog plunge. Got no Idea where this will lead, got no idea what to say, and where this will go.
Only thing I can say is Jerry Garcia's tomic words: "I will get by.." or "what a long strange trip its been...", take your pick if you know me.... =)
I guess I'll post thoughts, ideas, 'neat things', and other things that pique my interests. Only time will tell...
Thanks for coming by, please comment, and take my verbiage with a healthy dose of salt and tequila...=)
....where do I begin....
At the behest of a colleague, friend, and pseudo-mentor, I've taken the blog plunge. Got no Idea where this will lead, got no idea what
Only thing I can say is Jerry Garcia's tomic words: "I will get by.." or "what a long strange trip its been...", take your pick if you know me.... =)
I guess I'll post thoughts, ideas, 'neat things', and other things that pique my interests. Only time will tell...
Thanks for coming by, please comment, and take my verbiage with a healthy dose of salt and tequila...=)
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